Considerations When Adopting a BYOD Strategy
Organizations that plan to embrace the recent wave of workers bringing devices from home can benefit from the natural productivity gains of having users’ preferred devices accessing corporate systems. However, there is serious risk and the considerations below should be… Read more »
Implementing Secure Automated Payment Processing

Payment security is a topic that often gains headline attention for companies when they least want it. Security breaches leading to the exposure of sensitive private customer data seem to emerge at least once a quarter from payment processors, merchants… Read more »
Business Continuity Requires a New Planning Approach

All business continuity plans have to be proven to ensure business continuity at all times, regardless of the events that may occur that will require them. The recent extreme weather events in the Eastern United States has shown that traditional… Read more »
Cost Savings from the Cloud

The benefits of cloud-based computing solutions are vast. Cloud based solutions provide cost effective, flexible, scalable and secure IT applications and services while minimizing risk and improving service levels. The cost savings are significant and are found in many aspects… Read more »
Implementing Effective Web Content Filtering

Internet Content filtering in the workplace is no longer just about blocking access to inappropriate, illegal and dangerous Websites. Businesses are continuing to leverage social media technologies in innovative and evolving ways to promote their business interests and to keep… Read more »