We are pleased to announce that TRUSTe, the leading online privacy solutions provider, has certified the privacy practices of Superior Technology Solutions for compliance with the US EU Safe Harbor and TRUSTe Privacy programs.
The TRUSTe Seal is an indication to consumers that their personal information is being safeguarded and that the company displaying this seal values online privacy. The US EU Safe Harbor certification confirms that Superior Technology Solutions is in compliance with the European Union Directive on data protection as specified by the Safe Harbor framework, which ensures European citizens that their privacy is protected.
The TRUSTe certification program has strict requirements that define compliance standards for business practices involving the collection and use of information. To attain this certification, we provided proof of our privacy and data management practices for information collected on behalf of all parties including customers and business partners, particularly for the practices that relate to notice, choice and accountability. After a satisfactory evaluation, TRUSTe provided a trust mark indicator that certifies our practices are compliant with TRUSTe’s privacy standard.
In addition to our existing certifications, both the US EU Safe Harbor and TRUSTe certifications reaffirm to the public that Superior Technology Solutions adheres to the highest quality business practices possible and places the highest level of focus on their customers.
Superior Technology Solutions is a full-service IT company, and provider of SuperviSES, the end-to-end resource management Cloud based ERP. For more information on Superior Technology Solutions, please visit www.superiortechnology.com.
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