Apple has released the iPhone 6 and now that millions of users have it in their hands, we thought we’d review some of the most interesting capabilities for your business.
The Big Screens
The most touted feature of the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus are the larger screen sizes. When consumers browse your website or log into your app, there’s much more real estate available to present information. If you haven’t already, take a look at how your site displays on these devices, since many of your customers will be using them. Make sure you have a friendly, usable rendering on these new screen sizes.
Apple Pay
The arrival of Apple Pay is an exciting new option for retail and ecommerce businesses to deploy to their customers. Users can leave their credit cards at home and simply hold the phone near a terminal to pay. Your business can take advantage of the underlying mobile wallet, Passbook, by deploying your coupons or loyalty cards right alongside those forms of payment.
While TouchID first came out on the iPhone 5S, it is even more integrated with the 6 and its underlying operating system, iOS 8. Apple decided to open up TouchID to developers, so your app can have a highly secure level of authentication whether someone is making a payment or just logging into the personalized area of your app. Customers will find a TouchID much easier than always keying in a username and password.
App Notification Expansion
If you have an iOS app that leverages notifications, you should note that Apple has expanded these significantly beyond just showing some text on the screen. These interactive notifications can include graphics, tables that feature live data for the customer to interact with whether that’s a list of products that can be tapped or even the fantasy football scores in their league.
With questions regarding making your business compatible with the iPhone 6 and “going mobile” with your business, please contact us on the web at www.superiortechnology.com or call us at 845-735-3555.
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